Kent Community SupperEvery Monday 5PM - 6PM
History Kent Community Supper serves a meal every Monday to those in need. We have been in continuous operation every Monday night since 1983. We first began meeting to formulate the Supper in the fall of 1982 when needs in Kent prompted us to organize it. The first meal was served January 10, 1983. We had hoped it would be a short-lived program, but the need continues. Most of the diners live in or near Kent. We started out serving young families struggling to make ends meet, single parent families, elderly who are lonely, and low-income men and women. Now we also serve many homeless. We are not a government-sponsored program and do not require personal information from our diners. Our bylaws state we will serve those in need, whatever is their need. We serve 60 to 100 people a week. Because this meal program is so well known in the community, a King County medical van and dental van come regularly to serve the homeless. Volunteers We appreciate our great team of volunteers who cook a hot meal, set up tables and chairs, serve the meal, wash the dishes, clean the tables, put away tables and chairs, clean up the kitchen and Community Hall, haul trash, sweep, and pick up outdoors every week. If you have questions or you’d like to volunteer, call Kent Lutheran office 253-852-2057 and leave a message with your contact information Kent Community Supper is an official 501c3 organization. |
Thursday Supper